
Measuring the effect of music therapy on voiced speech signal

With the rapid development in the field of speech processing, the human speech is being analyzed from different perspectives. Now-a-days impact of external factors like music on speech are also being studied by the researchers. It is widely accepted fact that the music plays important role in refreshing the mood when we see most of […]

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Stress Identification from Speech Using Clustering Techniques

With the stressful environment of day to day life, pressure in the corporate world and challenges in the educational institutes, more and more children and adults alike are affected by lifestyle diseases. The Identification of the emotional state or stress level of a person has been accepted as an emerging research topic in the domain

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Performance Analysis of ML Algorithms on Speech Emotion Recognition

Even though human–computer interface (HCI) applications such as computer-aided tutoring, learning and medical assistance have brought much changes in human lifestyle. This work has mainly focused on comparison of performance of five commonly used classifiers on emotion recognition. Since features are usually high-dimensional and structurally complex, the efficient classification has become more challenging particularly on

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